Major Change in Punjab: Job Quota for Families of Deceased Civil Servants

In a landmark decision, the Punjab government has abolished the job quota previously allocated for the families of deceased civil servants. This major policy shift has stirred significant discussion and raises important questions about its implications for affected families and the future of civil service recruitment.

ایک تاریخی فیصلے میں، پنجاب حکومت نے مرنے والے سرکاری ملازمین کے اہل خانہ کے لیے پہلے مختص ملازمتوں کا کوٹہ ختم کر دیا ہے۔ پالیسی کی اس بڑی تبدیلی نے اہم بحث چھیڑ دی ہے اور متاثرہ خاندانوں پر اس کے اثرات اور سول سروس کی بھرتی کے مستقبل کے بارے میں اہم سوالات اٹھائے ہیں۔

What is Rule 17A and Why Was It Significant?

Rule 17A was a provision in the Punjab Civil Services Rules that guaranteed job quotas for the families of deceased civil servants. This rule was established to offer employment opportunities to the families of individuals who had sacrificed their lives in the service of the state. The quota was meant to provide these families with financial stability and a means of sustaining their livelihood after the loss of a breadwinner.

Significance: Rule 17A was significant because it recognized the sacrifices made by civil servants and their families. It provided a form of job security and compensation for the families left behind, ensuring that they had a pathway to employment within the government sector.

Job Quota for Families of Deceased Civil Servants

What Does the Abolition of Rule 17A Imply for Households of Deceased Civil Servants?

The abolition of Rule 17A means that families of deceased civil servants will no longer be given preferential treatment in government job recruitments. The removal of this quota implies that:

  1. Increased Competition: These families will now compete for job openings on the same basis as other applicants, without the guarantee of a reserved position.
  2. Potential Financial Strain: The loss of guaranteed job opportunities could result in financial strain and increased uncertainty for the families, who may now face more significant challenges in securing stable employment.

How Will This Coverage Shift Affect Employment Possibilities for Affected Families?

The discontinuation of the job quota will likely have several effects on employment possibilities for the families of deceased civil servants:

  1. Greater Competition: Affected families will need to navigate a highly competitive job market, which could make it more challenging to secure government positions.
  2. Need for Alternative Support: Families may need to seek alternative forms of support, such as private sector employment or vocational training, to enhance their employability and economic stability.
  3. Adjustment Period: There may be an adjustment period as families adapt to the new recruitment landscape and explore different career opportunities.

What Precipitated the Punjab Government to Make This Change?

Several factors contributed to the Punjab government’s decision to abolish Rule 17A:

  1. Focus on Merit-Based Recruitment: The government aims to enhance the fairness and efficiency of the recruitment process by focusing on merit rather than familial connections.
  2. Economic Considerations: The shift is part of broader economic reforms aimed at reducing public sector expenditure and optimizing resource allocation.
  3. Administrative Reforms: The policy change aligns with ongoing efforts to modernize and streamline the civil service structure.

What Are the Possible Implications of This Policy Change?

The abolition of the job quota for families of deceased civil servants may have several implications:

  1. Public Outcry: The policy change could lead to public dissatisfaction, especially among those who view it as undermining the recognition of the sacrifices made by civil servants.
  2. Revised Support Systems: The government may need to develop new support mechanisms to assist affected families, such as financial aid programs or job training initiatives.
  3. Impact on Recruitment: The change might influence the dynamics of civil service recruitment, potentially affecting the diversity and inclusiveness of the workforce.


Why did the Punjab government abolish Rule 17A and the associated job quota?

The government aims to create a more merit-based recruitment system, reduce public sector expenditure, and modernize the civil service structure.

When will the abolition of Rule 17A take effect?

The policy change is set to be implemented from [specific date], with all future government job recruitments adhering to the new guidelines.

How does the abolition of Rule 17A affect families who were previously under the quota system?

Families who were under the quota system will now need to compete for jobs on an equal basis with all other candidates. The change removes the preferential treatment they previously received.

Will the government provide any alternative support for the families affected by this policy change?

The government is expected to explore alternative forms of support, such as financial assistance programs or vocational training, to help affected families adjust to the new policy.

How can affected families apply for government jobs under the new system?

Affected families will need to follow the standard application procedures outlined in job advertisements and compete for positions based on merit.

What are the potential long-term effects of abolishing Rule 17A?

Long-term effects may include increased competition in the job market for affected families, potential public discontent, and a need for the government to implement new support measures. The recruitment landscape may also change, affecting how jobs are filled in the future.


The removal of Rule 17A and the associated job quota for families of deceased civil servants represents a significant shift in Punjab’s employment policies. While the change aims to create a more merit-based recruitment system, it also raises concerns about the impact on affected families and the need for alternative support measures. As this transition unfolds, it will be crucial for all stakeholders to monitor the effects and advocate for measures that ensure fairness and support for those impacted by this policy change.

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